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Evaluating Your Home's Security

July 09, 2021 4 min read

Evaluating Your Home's Security


Some people think they can rely on authorities to protect them and their property. Unfortunately, the facts contradict that belief. Statistics show that police in the United States only solve 14.1 percent of burglaries and 17.2 percent of property crimes. Law enforcement doesn't even manage to clear half of the violent crimes in the United States.

Since you can't rely on law enforcement, you need a reliable approach to home security evaluation that helps you prevent crimes and defend your property. Taking the right steps could literally save the life of someone in your household. Ideally, you won't need to use a firearm for protection. If that time comes, though, you should know that you have an effective weapon and the necessary training to use it safely.

Look at Your Home From an Intruder's Perspective

Your home security evaluation should start by looking at your property from the perspective of a potential intruder. When you take a malicious look at your home, do you spot:

  • Shrubbery, outdoor furniture, and other places where you can hide?
  • Flimsy windows or doors that wouldn't take much effort to break?
  • Valuables that might tempt you to break into the house?
  • Doors that have glass panels near their handles or locks?

If you can spot these problems, you know professional burglars will see them, too.

Take Action to Eliminate Obvious Threats

You don't have to spend much—or any—money correcting some of the most common holes in home security plans.

Some of the most effective things you can do include:

  • Keeping your yard clean to remove debris that could provide cover.
  • Storing valuables in places thieves cannot view from outside.
  • Installing motion-activated lights that will scare away nighttime burglars.
  • Adding bars to windows and braces to doors.
  • Choosing doors and windows that make it more difficult for someone to break in.

You might find this surprising, but most burglaries take place during the day between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Your average burglar doesn't want to run into anyone. They want to bust in, grab a few high-value items, and run away before anyone notices. It makes sense for them to commit their crimes during the day because most people are at work or school during that time.

If they broke in at night, they would have a much higher chance of encountering an armed homeowner.

Since most burglaries take place during the day, consider getting a security system. You don't need the most sophisticated or expensive security system available. Practically anything will lower your home's risk of burglary. When criminals choose their targets, they typically look for homes without any security. As long as you have something protecting your home, your house probably won't look like the easiest target on the street.

Create a Plan: What to Do If Someone Invades Your Home

The vast majority of home invasions happen when no one is home. Some criminals, however, believe that they can slip into houses under cover of night without getting spotted. Not surprisingly, most of them get away. When they get caught, they run into the night with what they have in their hands. If no one catches them, they walk away with a few valuable items.

Also, it's worth noting that some invaders do not want to steal from homes. It doesn't happen often, but some home invasions take place just to commit violent crimes against unsuspecting households. Hopefully, you never have an experience like that. If it happens, you will need a strategy that keeps your loved ones as safe as possible.

Designate a Safe Room

Choose a safe room in your house where every person can congregate. Having everyone in the same room means that you will not accidentally hurt a family member. If you need to use a gun, you eliminate the possibility that a round will go through a wall and strike a loved one.

The master bedroom usually makes a good safe room since you probably store a firearm there*. Plus, it probably only has one entry point. If you have a bathroom connected to the master bedroom, you can use it to retreat if necessary.

*Always make sure you store your firearm in a safe or vault that prevents children from accessing them. Guns are only safe when knowledgeable people use them responsibly.

Create a Code Word

Establish a code word that everyone knows means to head to the safe room as quickly as possible. You don't have to get creative with it. A word like "attacker" or "safe room" should work fine.

Stay in the Safe Room Until the Threat Has Passed

Call the police from your safe room to let them know that someone has invaded your home. Let them know where your family members are so the officers will know to expect you.

If someone tries to enter your safe room, forcefully tell them to leave. Tell them you're armed and prepared to defend your household. If the invader keeps trying to come into your safe room, get everyone into a corner. Point your firearm at the point of entry and prepare to fire a round.

You won't know how many people have invaded your home, so never leave the safe room until the police arrive and check every room.

Improve Your Home Security With Concealment Express

When you think about concealed carry, you probably imagine yourself carrying a small handgun in public. Considering that most burglaries happen during the day, you might want to keep a gun on you when you're at home between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Concealment Express has plenty of concealment holsters you can use throughout the day. Their designs will keep you comfortable, even when you wear them for hours at a time.

Explore our wide range of concealment holsters to find the right option for your favorite handgun.

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Evaluating Your Home's Security