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Top Rules of Gun Safety

August 03, 2017 3 min read

Rules of Gun Safety

Owning a firearm is not just a right but also a responsibility, and understanding gun safety is one of the important steps to being ready to purchase a firearm. No matter what type of environments you use your gun in, these safety guidelines will ensure that you know how to operate your weapon properly. Also, if you plan to carry concealed, you will need to take a full firearms safety course covering a wide assortment of safety rules and best practices for using a gun. 

General Gun Safety

The first firearm safety rule is always to act as if your gun is loaded. Never point your gun in the direction of another person, even if the barrel is just briefly crossing their path. Unless you are actively preparing to shoot, point the gun's barrel downward and never rest your finger on the trigger. While you should use your gun's safety mechanism, never assume that it is properly engaged or rely on it to protect yourself or nearby companions. Understand how your gun works and how to clean and maintain the weapon properly. If your weapon fails to fire, point it downward and unload it carefully, checking for any obstructions before reloading with the correct ammunition and taking another shot.

Range Safety

It can't be stressed enough that the general safety guidelines apply to every situation where you will be handling firearms, so always follow best practices when you are shooting at a gun range. You should also be familiar with the specific rules and guidelines for your range and follow each one to the letter. If you are shooting with a Range Master, listen to and follow his directions as it's his job to ensure range safety for all users. Keep your gun in its case until you are at the bench, never unholstering behind the safety line. It's also important to have proper safety gear, including protection for your eyes and ears. Finally, don't shoot directly at water or any other surface where you might experience a ricochet that could injure yourself or a bystander.

Hunting Safety

After following the general firearm safety rules, the most important guideline to ensure hunting safety is to know where everyone in your party is and remain aware of all zones of fire in a hunt. It's a good idea to delegate one hunter as a safety officer with everyone deferring to his judgment about best practices. If anyone is unsure about the safety of a shot, don't take it as risking the life of a hunting partner is not worth any trophy buck. Be aware of your surroundings as you travel. If you need to climb over an obstruction or scale a tree to scope out the area, leave your gun in safe hands while you do so. If you do stumble holding your weapon, be conscientious of your gun's muzzle, pointing it downward and away from either yourself or your companions while you regain control of the situation.

Concealment Express takes gun safety very seriously. All our products are designed to help you operate your weapon not only legally but in the safest manner possible, and following these tips will ensure that you are safe in every shooting situation.

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Top Rules of Gun Safety